When it comes to working more efficiently, I strongly believe in the adage of having the best possible tools for any task.
For me, as a knowledge worker, this includes – apart from my brain – hardware, software, and – of course – my work environment.
Today, I will share my setup. I am not saying this is the best setup for everyone, but it is good for me. I hope it will inspire you to create your own little ‘productivity pod’.
Leave your desk clean and organized every day. That way, you will start the next day without lingering distractions or chaos.
Small is beautiful
More accurately: it can be. My total work area measures only 200 by 170 cm. As it is in the attic, I have to deal with a slanted ceiling, giving me a height of 235 cm behind my chair and 135 cm in front of my desk. My chair – a Secret Labs Titan 2020 Series – consumes more than half of this. This chair allows me to sit ergonomically during work and easily adjust my position for activities like hosting a workshop, playing a game, or watching content on my PC.
My desk occupies the rest of that space. Well, it is not an actual out-of-the-box desk. It combines two drawer elements (Alex from IKEA) and a 180×65 cm walnut kitchen top (also from IKEA). I bought them separately, screwed them together, and have a desk that suits my needs.
And that’s it. This is sufficient space for me to move easily, work ergonomically, and have enough storage for the things I need. Some are directly on my desk, and the rest are neatly tucked away in the drawers.
As you can see, I do not have enough space for a standing desk. If I did, I might have gone for one. I am not convinced that this is something I need, but I would certainly like to try it at some point.
What's on my desk?
I am constantly trying to minimize the clutter on my desk. To use my desk space better – and to keep things organized – I added a Grovemade desk shelf. The desk shelf helps me lift my monitor a bit higher while also giving me additional storage on the desk.
Being right-handed, I keep these things to the left of the desk shelf:
- laptop (on a small stand for better ventilation)
- monitor (Samsung 49″ CRG9)
- camera, microphone, light (all mounted to multi-purpose arms behind the laptop and monitor)
- large mousepad to protect the desk and provide enough space for my
- keyboard and mouse.
Inside the desk shelf, I keep
- a tablet that I use to control my devices, scenes, and content during workshops,
- a reMarkable 2 for quick hand-written notes.
On the desk shelf’s other side, there is a little whiteboard for doodling and super-fast, temporary note-taking.
Last not least, I keep the Lego Darth Vader helmet behind the whiteboard. It might seem odd, but for me, it’s like a mental stress ball. It helps me to focus.
As mentioned, your ideal setup might be completely different. However, there is one tip that always applies: leave your desk clean and organized every day – that way you will start the next day without any lingering distractions or chaos.
Take a tour
If you have nine minutes, watch the video below. I explain how I set up a high-productivity office on less than four square meters.